
Lobby Campaign Against Silicon Valley Censorship Begins Today


Oath Keepers members are participating in this lobbying effort by ALIPAC to bring awareness to censorship and civil rights abuses by Silicon Valley social media companies. Phone numbers for the members of Congress are here:


While this press release won’t reach some Americans due to Silicon Valley corporation bias against conservatives and groups that oppose illegal immigration and Amnesty, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) is leading a first of its kind lobbying effort in DC to combat censorship and civil rights abuses by companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Google.

ALIPAC President William Gheen is leading a team of activists to visit congressional offices in Washington today, October 2, 2018, through Thursday, Oct 4, while ALIPAC activists and Oath Keepers from all 50 states will be on the phones calling on Congress and agencies to take swift action to curtail Silicon Valley abuses of American civil liberties through censorship, shadow bans, unequal services, and deplatforming.

This activist effort is dubbed Operations Operation Squeaky Wheel.

ALIPAC believes these companies and their Democrat Party supporters, H1B visa holders, and DACA immigrant workers are discriminating against American conservatives, Christians, Republicans, Trump voters, and non-socialists in order to influence and take control of US elections, legislation, and policies.

ALIPAC is submitting a detailed report to GOP members of Congress, the US Justice Department, the White House, FEC, and other regulators detailing the organization’s many difficulties imposed by social media companies to thwart the organization’s peaceful, non-violent, and racially inclusive political efforts.

ALIPAC Report to Congress & Media on Social Media Company Censorship…orship-363704/

ALIPAC is also submitting a rapidly growing tracking list providing evidence of similar abuse of more than 75 conservative activists and groups.

List of Conservatives Censored by Silicon Valley companies Facebook, Google, Twitter, PayPal, etc.…witter-363125/

ALIPAC’s Packet Cover Flyer for Operation Squeaky Wheel in DC Oct 2-4 

ALIPAC’s report provides evidence and documentation showing “these companies have collectively reduced our web traffic to our main website at, altered our search result rankings drastically, banned us at times, shadow banned us, suppressed our content and releases, blocked ads, removed our ability to place ads, deleted videos and content, made false accusations of ‘hate speech’ or ‘hateful content’ against us, and refused to verify our accounts.”

“Our message to GOP lawmakers and candidates is that when they look at their returns on election night, they need to realize those returns have been heavily influenced by Silicon Valley social media bias against Republicans, non-citizen voters casting ballots in surprisingly large numbers, and demoralized conservative base voters who are disheartened by lawmakers’ efforts to pass Amnesty legislation at the behest of Soros backed groups, big banks, and the US Chamber of Commerce,” said William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. “Social media bias combined with illegal voters and GOP base voters disappointed over Amnesty bills, the lack of a wall, and the continuation of Obama’s DACA is big problem for Republican candidates in the 2018 midterms.”

ALIPAC believes that between now and the midterm elections an opportunity exists for American citizens to successfully communicate their concerns and disappointments with candidates and lawmakers in a way that could lead to positive change.

ALIPAC will be conducting several talk radio interviews while engaged in this historic lobbyiing effort on the ground in DC.

For more information about ALIPAC’s first of its kind lobbying effort against Silicon Valley cyber censorship, non-citizen voters (including illegal aliens), and the defeat of Amnesty legislation in DC since 2004, please visit



Oath Keepers is participating in, and supporting this effort by ALIPAC because we have directly been affected by the politically motivated/content based discrimination by IT companies such as Facebook, Twitter, PayPal, etc.

We encourage our members and supporters to contact their Congressional Representatives about this issue, and we fully support hearing on this, and whatever constitutional legislative remedies are available to prevent this fraudulent censorship (see below).

On Facebook, we have experienced “shadow banning” (you think all is well, but your readers don’t see what you wrote, or are not notified of a post), posts disappearing, posts being listed as “unavailable” (i.e. our admins can see the post but readers cannot), attempted posts not being allowed to actually post, frequent banning of individual users by Facebook for a post that does not actually violate “community standards” but simply expressed a conservative/constitutionalist viewpoint), certain memes and photos expressing pro-gun or conservative/libertarian/constitutionalist viewpoints being “disappeared” off of Facebook, etc.

We also experienced suspension of services by PayPal after being a customer for eight years, for allegedly violating PayPal’s “terms of service” but when we repeatedly asked for specifics of what we had done that violated the agreed upon terms of service, they refused to respond. There was no review, no opportunity to defend ourselves, and no communication whatsoever other than a vague email saying we had been suspended for violating their terms of service.

Clearly it was based on the content of our conservative/libertarian/constitutionalist speech and our viewpoints, not any actual actions by us that violated the terms of service. And since we are specifically, adamantly non-racist and non-discriminatory (see our bylaws as well as our long track record of speaking out against racism), it is NOT about any supposed racism or race-based discrimination on our part. We are not that way. What we are is non-race focused constitutionalists, libertarians, and conservatives, who support the Constitution and are also very much pro-gun. That was our “sin.”

I consider this fraud, as we entered into user agreements with these companies many years ago (back in 2009), which we have NOT violated, but they did violate on their end, based on the content of our speech rather than any actual violation of the agreed upon terms of service. When a company puts itself out there as an open social media and/or business transaction system, it is presenting itself as viewpoint/politics neutral, and users then use the service in reliance on that agreement and understanding, foregoing other alternatives (i..e for processing payments and donations, in the case of PayPal), and therefore relying on that service actually being content/viewpoint/politically neutral.

If they had announced from the inception of their businesses that they were going to exclude or censor conservative/libertarian/constitionalist viewpoints, we would not have used their services for so many years, in good faith reliance on them actually being content neutral. This is fraud in the inducement and in the execution.

So, this is not merely about their supposed right to do as they please as a private business. No private business has a right to engage in fraud.